Deadly Venom




Lure Death-Adder with the smell of the venomous mix spilled on the southern coast of the Isle of Singing Water, kill it and tell Sea Master about your feat.


From a mix of venoms, I will make one that can even turn rocks into sand. Its smell is not dangerous, albeit rather filthy, so only a reptile that has even more venom will be drawn by it. Death-Adder is strong and its venomous fangs have killed a lot of worthy beings. The water that washes its filthy form will never bring about new life, but its death will be a boon.
Spill a drop of the venomous mix onto the stones. Lured by the smell, Death-Adder will appear before you like death incarnate. Don't be afraid, defeat the reptile in combat. New life will be brought about by its death, and you will have my blessing that very instant!


Life emerges from the water, breathes air, gets warmed by heat, goes into the earth and returns into the water. This is the eternal cycle that should not be broken.


The fluids of underground waters told me about the black blood spilled onto the sand. Let it be... What emerged from the water, should turn into water once more. You have passed your trial brilliantly!


Experience: +3965

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