The Flame of Yesterday



Find the ruins of a June temple in the Impassable WIlderness, kindle a flame in the chalice and bring a coal to Che-Go in Tequatl.


What do we need to make good tea? Ingredients, water and a saucepan, yes? No! If that's how you mix it, it will just go sour! We need fire! Young people are so thick these days, you have to explain every little thing...
So anyway, we need fire... But not just any old fire, either! Real tea must be made on pure, living flame! There was a time when the Tekyan people kept a flame that had been preserved since the dark ages. That was the flame that warmed us when we lived primal, poverty-stricken lives... But when the "immortals" came, may their eyes and nostrils be filled with thorns, they forced us to extinguish the sacred flame!
Alas, the ancient flame can never be resurrected, but what we can do is kindle a new one. Northeast of here are ruins of a temple of the Ancients. They have overgrown with grass and lianas, so the "immortals" didn't defile the site. Go there and find an altar. Start a fire in the chalice and bring me back a piece of coal. Together we will light a new sacred flame, one that will burn for millennia!


The tears I've shed over the cold ashes of the extinguished flame are immeasurable... Will there ever be cause for joy again?


Oh, what joy! Oh, what bliss! Oh, what countless blessings! I can feel the living warmth of the sacred flame! Quickly, give me the coal and I will kindle a fire. With Genlun's favor, no one will ever extinguish this flame again!


Experience: +5670
  • +500 reputation points with Tequatl

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