Rust and Dead Flesh




Complete Tekyan tasks to locate and untangle the next knot of the illusory web.
  • Next knot of the illusory web found and broken


Another knot has been unraveled. This time without pretty explosions in the real world, but don't think Tep is any less frustrated for it. How would I know? Because he's gathering all his forces, both real and illusory. We had no idea he had constructed so many mechanoids! An element of time has been added to our game of chess: every hour brings us one step closer to getting buried under a mountain of rust and dead flesh. So let's hurry and find the next knot. I don't know exactly where it's hidden, but I have a feeling we need to look for it in Tequatl. If Tep doesn't want the Tekyans to remember anything, there must be a reason for that, and that's what we must uncover.
Take this coal to the one who sent you. The old man will know what to do with it.


I wonder how many knots we'll need to break to unravel the entire web? Two, twenty, two hundred? Do we have any chance at all?


Another knot has been broken! But it's too early to break open the champagne - Tep is raising the stakes.


Experience: +2520

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