Old Rogue



Meet Tale Teller in Lower City’s tavern.


Birdie, birdie... how do I extract your power and not kill you?.. Hmm. Let me think. Meanwhile...
The Outlaws give me pain in the head lately! They are wasting my people for nothing! Today, when the Leper is so active, I cannot afford this! And the Church just won't help, I tried negotiating with them, it was no good. I know Tale Teller has some relations with the Outlaws, so go and force him to help me!
Bring their negotiator to the plowman's hut - it's the neutral territory. My Commander will meet him there.


Why so sad, friend? I can see gloom on your face. Do you want me to tell you a funny story so that you would cheer up?


Experience: +2760
  • +1000 reputation points with Outlaws

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