Fragments and Shards




Collect 5 Ship Cannon Parts, 5 Ship Shield parts and 10 Fragments of Rigging on the Ship Graveyard and bring them to Pin the Crafty at the Rebel Refuge.


You know what a soldier's practicality is? First, it's knowing what and where can be stolen without being noticed. Second, the ability to assemble something useful from useless junk, he he. Without being practical, you can't survive on these rocks, may the devil take them. For we got nothing but all sorts of trash, fragments and shards here, and even those must be hauled carefully in order not to expose the base. They'll spot us sooner or later, that's for sure, but the later the better. Until they haven't, we need to pile up energy and supplies.
The entire Irdrich is a big ship graveyard, but the isle to the east of ours has them in especially rich supply and, most importantly, they're not all rotten yet. Go rummage through the remains. Pull a crystal from a cannon, a battery from a shield... This way, we can reinforce our defenses. Is the task clear? Then go!


The mages are still researching if they can get something out of nothing. The adjutant's job is more difficult: how to assemble something from heck knows what, he he he!


Incredible. Back in Nezebgrad, we'd write it off as scrap right away, but here, every chip is a treasure. Here, take your reward. Amazing stuff.


Experience: +12400

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