The Shamans' Test of Strength



Pass the Test of Strength and report your success to Wire the Wily.


Halt! A recruit? Then listen up! You are just a nobody. And no orc will call you a friend. And that won't change until you complete our challenge. It's Squall's order - he's our shaman.
See the totem behind me? It summons a spirit. You need to defeat it.
I must warn you: there could be more than one. But it has never happened before. But maybe you'll get lucky, ha ha!
So let's get this over with. Be quick about it. We've been getting recruits from all over the Empire, there are too many of you.
And if I see you sticking around even though you haven't completed the challenge, I'll know you're a coward who can't be trusted!


Well? Have you finished it yet? Or are you still thinking about going back to where you came from?


Looks like you're still in one piece. The spirit wasn't alone? Four of them you say?

No, I wasn't lying, there was only supposed to be one. How could that have happened?


Experience: +2850
  • +500 reputation points with Orcs

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