First Teleporter Test



Kill Giant Termites at the southern end of the Old Square and return to Marta Kazakova at the City Council.


I'm convinced that the emotional background has nothing to do with it and this "Psychometer" is a completely unnecessary device. What can the undead possibly know about emotions?
The most probable explanation is that the portal went off because it was near you for a fairly long time. It became attuned to you! This complicates the rescue operation immensely, but for starters we need to confirm this hypothesis or prove it wrong.
Here is a magical artifact. It's a mini-portal of sorts, identical to the one being investigated in the bunker, but on a much smaller scale. We created this copy in secret in order to keep track of the undead and make sure they weren't making unauthorized changes to the project. Carry the teleporter with you, it needs time to attune itself to you. For starters, go to the slums where the giant termites live.
After you kill a dozen termites, try to activate the teleporter and come right back here. I'll be looking forward to your return.


If I'm right and extensive adjustments are needed in order to make use of the teleportation device, the entire project may be in trouble...

I hope we don't lose our financing!


That took you a while! I was expecting you to materialize out of thin air, and here you are walking back! The teleporter didn't work?


Experience: +1125

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