Feathers for the Wingless



Collect 10 giant feathers from albatrosses who live among the cliffs, then bring them to Sea Master at the Seven-Winds Cliff.


You want my blesssing, don't you? Then I would like to tessst you!
There are giant albatrosses among the cliffsss. These are powerful birdsss, capable of ripping to piecesss those who are weak of body. They are born of the wind. The wind isss their life, flesh and blood... Can you overcome these predatory birdsss? Will you cower before precipitousss cliffsss? Will your head grow dizzy from their heightsss? We shall sssee...
Get me albatross feathersss. Thisss will be your firssst trial!


I'll twissst you... I'll sssmite you...


Ha... You were able to complete my tasssk. Not bad for a wingless one. Perhapsss the old witch wasss not wrong about you...


Experience: +8540

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