Scientific Approach to War



Meet Yasskul Naboo on the Isle of Singing Water.


So, the Copper Isle... Irdrich... See, the problem is that I sent a recon team to monitor the League, and they report that the League's military is in dire situation, like us. Without navy and support. What conclusion can we draw? A very simple one! If the League's military lured us into this sector, they did not expect that getting out of here would be rather... problematic.
Anyway, the side that works out the nature of this anomaly will strengthen its influence and dictate its terms. And, naturally, that has to be our great Empire!
In addition to everything, our squadron had separate research projects. We had several scientists attached to us, Yasskul Naboo and her assistants. They are conducting research now and are in need of a trusted person. I, as you understand, cannot send some storm trooper oaf to conduct such delicate research, so I need to enlist your help to assist the scientists. Success of this research is an important task and its solution will be for the benefit of the Empire!


Oh you clumsy oaf, where the hell have you... Oh! excuse me! I thought you were one of my assistants that I sent to the Astral shore to record measurements.


Experience: +305

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