


Accept the pieces of the Battleground Emblems from Natalya Zarnitsyna.


So, you're itching to knock somebody's lights out? I get it. I'm the same way! If I had the time, I'd be out on the battlefield myself... One sweep of the sword - the enemy falls! Pull out a crossbow - zap! Another one down! A third... Well, I'd have already run from the third one.

Anyway... Want to fight? I mean would you like to fight for a cause? I can help!

Take advantage of the Skirmishes menu and participate in a Battleground. If you don't know what the Battleground is, I'll tell you some other time. Don't interrupt me now.

I will give you some pieces of the Battleground Emblem. So you'd still be motivated to join in battle so as to find more pieces. When you've gathered enough pieces to assemble complete Emblems, come to me. I'll trade you valuable equipment for Emblems. That's fair, right? We, soldiers of fortune, are always ready for a good scrap. All the better if we can earn something valuable in exchange. You can't think of a better pastime!


Take these Emblem pieces. That's all you get! You're not the only one who needs them! If you run out, then you can get new pieces no earlier than next week.



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