The Tower Guard




Access the second demonic portal by defeating Nogrom and talk to Yasker.


Let's continue. The Teonomicon that you managed to find is an invaluable source of knowledge about the cultists and the demons. We now have good information about their hierarchy and I can warn you about the coming battles.

There are many formidable foes in this place. You will have to vanquish all of them in order to reach Gorluxor himself. Your first target is Nogrom, the head of the tower guards. You must be careful - it's said that he is an ogre armed with a club large enough to clear the battlefield in one swipe!

Before he himself will fight you, you'll need to attract his attention by killing the cultists. Gather the cultists' blood and pour it before him - this should put him in a rage.

I'm sure he won't be very happy to see you, so prepare yourself for a tough battle. After you defeat the great ogre, you should be able to gain access to the second demonic portal.


Come on! We have a lot more work to do!


Experience: +275

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