Faith and Power




Return to Vseslav the Wise to Covert Hide.


If it turns out all right, I might even outpower Tep. You know why? Right, it’s faith!
Look, I saved the locals from the Leper and spent a whole ocean of power on that. Only godly power can defeat the Leper. Where should I get it? From the Astral? No thanks! Obtaining elemental power takes too long, and the power you get is too specific. Faith is quite a different source!
Faith will never end. The more people believe in you, the stonger support you feel, the more power you gain. Not many have the ability to use it properly, but any decent leader can sense it. I told the people that I saved a nice tale about Peregrina, and they were glad to trust it - so it’s not a tale any longer.
Noble Kanians believe in the goddess that wander about the universe. Naive Tekyan believe in goddess the creator. Harsh times await us, so I need all the faith I can get. Don’t you worry, I seek it not to feel my self importance, I seek it to really save the world.


What are you heavy thoughts, friend? Don’t tell me. I know our gods wouldn’t discover anything that is useless to you.


Experience: +1380

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