Road to the Unknown



Meet Maurice de Ardeur at the Novograd port.


You already know about the Astral and that the Demon Hunters exterminate the creatures of this Astral. It's a noble cause, important and difficult. The church is free to consider us cursed monsters - this world is doomed without us. Without us... and people like you! Heroes who can see beyond the end of their noses and understand that the astral plane is not just another threat. The astral plane contains answers to many questions that haunt mortals. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to find some answers.
It's time for you to learn more about this mysterious entity - the Astral. Go see Maurice de Ardeur at the Astral Academy - he will tell you about the Astral and astral ships. He might even help you build your own frigate.


Finally! I've been waiting for ages. Let's waste no time - I've got a lot to tell you.


Experience: +5520

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