Wheat from the Chaff



Turn off 15 damaged cubes and return to the Keeper of the Universe at the Cradle.


I have a quest for you, Keeper of the Truth. See these cubes floating in the sky? These are special devices that shape the landscape of the Cradle. We had rushed too much in the early stages of creation, and are now paying for this mistake.

The problem is that some of the cubes periodically go out of order. They begin to thrash from side to side, expel stored energy and become a threat to other functional cubes. Sure, there are many cubes, but if those that are damaged or out of order aren't removed in time, it may bring the formation of the landscape to a screeching halt! This must not be allowed!

If you want to help me, please use a launch pad, which will spring you up and get you to the area most crowded with cubes. And once you're there, work quickly! First, break through the defensive barriers of a cube, then disconnect its power supply.

Deactivate at least 15 damaged cubes and return to me. And know that if your guildmates also want to help me with replacement of construction cubes, I will recommend your guild to the other Keepers, which will raise your guild's prestige.


Please hurry! The damaged cubes are greatly hampering my work.


Excellent! I knew you'd be able to do the job. This will grant me at least a temporary relief from the headache that comes with repairing the damaged cubes.

If you want to help me repair them again, come back at the time specified in your calendar and I'll give you a new assignment.



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