Frozen Eyeballs



Obtain the Ice Shard by killing the Icy Elemental and use it to freeze 10 Mountainfolks at the Northern Horn, then return to Roughice family.


Have you heard about our favorite game, "Frost your nose"? No? It's simple. You have to find an Icy elemental here, at the Northern Horn, and have it catch your eye. It makes you freeze to the bone and turn you into one nice icy sculpture. Our little one played the game, and it took us three hours to melt him at the fire!

Now we want to play with the mountainfolks, for they threatened to shave us bold and put us to freeze.

Obtain the Ice Shard from the Icy Elemental and turn ten Mountainfolks into icy statues! That's going to teach them!


A shaved gibberling looks so pathetic. I bet they wouldn't have dared to shave a Priden!


Gear game, right? That’ll teach them!



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