Ghost Mail



Capture 7 Taiga Owl Ghosts using the Soulsucker for the Eyepopping family.


We can see that you're to be trusted, so listen up. The Eyepopping family kept quiet and were extremely grumpy when they arrived here. We didn't need them to say anything - it was clear as day that their trip didn't go as planned.

One day, we heard the three of them arguing. Frank said "We've got to tell them everything!" while Asgerd and Sam said "We've got to keep quiet!" but we don't know what it is they're keeping quiet about...

Anyway, it looks like Frank managed to convince his brothers. They got their stuff together and took a boat out to the stone giants. They were going to walk to the northern coast from there. I can only assume that once they got to the northern coast they went to Frozen Frontier where our elder, Froddy the Fidget can be found.

They didn't leave that long ago, so you shouldn't have any trouble catching up to them. However, the boys left in such a rush that they forgot to take the postal owls with them to send us messages. We weren't able to prepare our surprise for them in time either.

You've probably noticed that we're interested in necromancy. We think that's pretty normal in an area that's swarming with the undead. Christine and I had a little chat and the four of us came up with a plan.

Owls are fast and powerful birds but they're not invincible. On the other hand, those who are already dead have a harder time dying again. That means that owl ghosts are a lot better than regular owls.

Christine gave us a special amulet to capture their ghosts. It's called the Soulsucker. This means you've got some owl hunting to do. Once they're dead, use the amulet on the ghosts that appear. Do this to capture seven ghosts for us.


So, any success? Is the Soulsucker working?


Have you captured any ghosts? Great! A ghost won't fall prey to hawks or hunters! Who knows, maybe ghosts will replace regular postal owls in the future!


Experience: +1380

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