The Road to the Stronghold



Head north to the Siege Stronghold and speak with the Molotov Traders' Manager, Igor Molotov.


Here's what we have to do now - go to the Sieged Stronghold and find Igor Molotov, our manager. He is an experienced man and, most important, he knows everything about our problem with the rebels. Tell him that I sent you and he will help you find Andrey.

To reach the Stronghold, follow the riverbank past stone giants and keep going north, it's near the river bend.

It was built by Ermolai himself, by the way, so you might want to ask around while you're at it.


We lost everything in a single, great blaze. The amount of labor that was invested, the energy and time, now we have to start over from scratch!


So you were sent after Andrey? If the brothers decide to stand against the rebels then I'm on their side.

Except, I'm not sure how to help - you see, misfortune has struck our poor stronghold! First a forest fire started and our stronghold went up in flames like a tinderbox. Then the ogres showed up. I still don't understand how we survived!


Experience: +1150

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