Find Treasure of Gipat



Examine June ruins southwest of the Cursed Path to find treasure of Gipat. Report back to Touchy Family once you have found it.


Do you know the story of this famous Ath-Zak?

Ah! So do we. He seems to be very famous. And hero means treasure!

We have already examined this wasteland but failed to find anything valuable. Pity, huh?

Maybe you will be more lucky? June ruins are home to great history and mystery. If we wanted to hide treasure, we would do so around ruins.

Have you ever been southwest the Cursed Path? There are isolated ruins there. Seek out ancient treasure!


We could of spent more time searching for lost treasure, but these little dragons...

They have been watching us very intently!


Ah, what a pity! Pity that it was not us who found the treasure!

So be it! Surely this is not the last treasure in Gipat! We will find our own treasure! No doubt about it!


Experience: +1000

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