A Third Head



Take Gorluxor's head to Crazystorm the Merciless in Nezebgrad.


Gorluxor's flair for the dramatic has turned out to be the end of him. More than anything, he wanted to kill the dragon alone - a deadly miscalculation! You could say that the devious old fox got exactly what was coming to him!

Take his head to Crazystorm the Merciless and report on all that has happened here. Now no one will dare accuse the hunters of fraud - our reputation is saved!


Another Gorluxor head? That's the third one! We've just about got a complete set! Would you like me to organize an exhibit?


Let's hope that's the last we hear of Gorluxor...

If some other hero shows up with another head of his, I'm going to lose it!

Though, this one actually looks legit. That must mean that the cultists are in disarray, totally lost without their leader. We'll join up with the hunters and catch all those bastards! Then we'll either kill them or send 'em off to work the meteorite ore mines! Perhaps a bit of honest work for the glory of the Empire will tighten up the screws in those loony heads of theirs!


Experience: +5280

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