Fishing with Draconids




Use the Searching Stick to explore the swamp at Rusty Saltings. Find the huge Hydra and retrieve the Crystal Armor Shard. Bring it to the Master's Voice in the Citadel.


Agr-r-r... You friend and brother! Me know. You want shiny thing. Sharp thing.

We had such thing. Mage wore thing on neck. Wore it long and long.

Hydra eat the mage! Big Hydra! Chew-chew the mage! With the thing chew-chew!

Now the thing in the belly. In big Hydra. Hydra sleep in swamp. Under water and sleep!

Me give you stick. Searching stick. You take the stick. You poke with the stick. Search Hydra!

Hydra come out, you kill Hydra! And chew-chew!

Thing inside Hydra. Thing not eat! Thing wear. Shiny thing...


What news do you have... good or bad?


One more Crystal Armor Shard! Excellent!

You are one step closer to the true revelation now. As soon as you have found all seven shards and brought them to me I will try to reforge the armor. Then you will be able to enter Tka-Rik's Cave and will learn the truth about the past, present and future.


Experience: +9625

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