Lost Signs



Find 5 Orc Signs around Gipatia.


Woe is me!

You won't believe what happened! Look, there's a hole in the bag! I've lost half of my stuff, but that's not the worst part. Oh, no, no... I've lost my Signs of the Chosen!

What shall I do? I asked help from the dragon guides, but they said I'm too clumsy to be a Chosen One. My Path is blocked off now!

No way! Flying liar! I refuse to believe this is the end after all the troubles I have been through to get here! I'm asking, no, I'm begging you. Please help me? I've been all around this village. I've looked into boxes, chests, and barrels.

I went in search for some food to ease my hunger pains, but found only roaches. Maybe I should retrace my footsteps back over there in case my growling tummy distracted me from my search. If you come across my Signs, give them back to me!


I cannot progress with my Path without the Signs!

Who knows, maybe pigs have trampled my Signs deep in the mud.


Oh, many thanks to you! I'll never forget what you've done for me!

Yes, they are all here! My precious...

I am the Chosen One again!


Experience: +1250

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