Live Bait



Open the vial with dragon blood in the location marked on the map of the Astral Coast and lure the demons. Then wait for the dragons to arrive and help them to defeat the demons.
  • Demons lured to the south-western part of the Astral Coast
    (Use the vial containing a drop of dragon blood at the indicated spot near the demonic fangs)
  • Demons lured to the southern part of the Astral Coast
  • Demons lured to the south-eastern part of the Astral Coast


Suddenly Urgash's voice disappears and you hear another mighty voice. It seems to come out of everywhere and it makes the land tremble:

Mortal! I am Soliskar the Wise, the Great Dragon. Once we met before, in the place which you, mortals, call the Dragon Ring. I believed in you back then. You... You are different from other mortals. You have something which distinguishes you among others. The errand I have for you I cannot entrust to anyone else.

You will get a vial with drops of my blood. After what happened to you on Kirah you know its priceless. Don't waste it!

I am asking you to open the vial with my blood in three locations on the southern coast in a place which you, mortals, call the Twilight Isle. Demons smell dragon's blood thousands wingbeats away. Hundreds of them will follow the smell. You won't defeat them alone. Give me a signal. Fire a red rocket and I will send my sons to help you. Their breath will turn astral beasts into ashes!

I hope you will succeed. Go now! We don't have much time. Follow my instructions! My blood is too precious to be wasted.


Mortal! You did everything right...


I see my blood was not wasted. Dozens of demons were killed with fangs and claws of my children! They are enraged! That was our goal.

You see, all these errands: assassination of their leaders, explosion of portals and total extermination of the demonic scum lured by the smell of my blood had only one goal - to lure out of the depth of Astral the one called Ar'Kanim, the leader of octulhus and one of the strongest beasts of Sarn. Today I will put the end to his useless life myself!


Experience: +11760

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