The Highest of Honors



Receive your reward from Aidenus.
  • Receive the reward
    (You can collect your reward at Aidenus in his Tower.)
  • Drink the dragon's blood


I think you remember your venture at the Cradle. Unfortunately, the data you got there have been leaked to the Empire.
In any event, the intelligence you gathered is absolutely priceless. The best researchers of the elven houses have spent days on end studying the results of your reconnaissance. We've already got a rough idea of how to create new matter from the astral! This research shows such promise! The possibilities are endless. Earlier scientific discoveries pale in comparison. And we have you to thank for this breakthrough.


Great deeds deserve to be greatly rewarded!


Only a select few before you have merited receiving this honor, and every one of them has become known throughout the League as a great hero! I hope you are ready to add your name to the rolls of the League's heroes, joining our greatest rulers, warriors, mages, and scientists... There's no going back now.



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