Oath to the Empire



Talk to Denis Opalubkin at the Empire ship, go to Nezebgrad, and meet Yasker in Yasker's Tower.
  • Travel to Nezebgrad
    (Use the Jumping Device in the Empire Embassy to board the ship and talk to the captain.)


I don't think we will ever meet again, my best disciple. Your path is dangerous and thorny, but I believe that you will walk it with your head held high and won't brring your ancestors to shame. Remember that you are a Priden! And Pridens never yield to destiny - they forge it with their own hands, eysh!
Go to Nezebgrad, free Priden. I have already sent a message to the ship's captain. Meet Yasker and tell him about the spawns of the void and their servants in the Holy Land. May the ancestors' spirits be with you!


Greetings. I am Yasker. I believe you have heard of me?
I was told about an exceptional Priden who decided to swear allegiance to the Empire. Your kinsmen rarely leave their allod, and even less often they join the service. I ordered the City Council to compile your profile, and it seems rather peculiar to me. Especially the part which says about your battle with the Demons and your interest towards the Holy Land.
So, welcome to the Empire, comrade. We gladly accept such dignified recruits. And what are you supposed to answer to that? Right - I serve the Empire!


Experience: +10400

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