Birth of a Legend


  • Category: Character - Miscellaneous
  • Points: 100


Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/10
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/20
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/30
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/40
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/50
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/60
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/70
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/80
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/90
Birth of a Legend
Point: 10
You will receive the reward for this achievement only if it is unlocked for the first time on this account by a character that has never used the Miraculous Ark. If you had received this reward before the achievement was implemented, you will not receive the reward again.
Progress 0/100

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