Fedor Svyatoslavov's Letter


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Fedor Svyatoslavov's Letter
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My beloved Nancy!
I'm leaving you this note in case you'll be looking for me. Our holy father Ivan, the Devotee, gave me advice to visit the place known for its holiness. The first Chapel of Tensess! A great miracle happened here. Suddenly, an evil astral demon appeared and smashed the ship! But those who died in astral were brought back to life by the grace of Tensess. They appeared right here!
The chapel is locked and abandoned. It upsets me greatly. I know that Goblins are to blame! They're wicked creatures, thieves and hustlers! I heard an interesting story about them, though. They say that the ship that got wrecked in astral was carrying two goblins. They went into the Purgatory. One of them saw a Servant of Tensess and got scared! He started confessing his sins, promising to sacrifice mirra. The other goblin heard that and offered to sell mirra! And it's been like this ever since: one goblin received Tensess's forgiveness and became a gift collector; the other goblin was cursed and banished from the Purgatory forever.
Well, one way or the other, my beloved Nancy, I should visit the smugglers. Have a row with them. Why have they neglected the Chapel? The mongers have the guts to collect money from pilgrims! Their leader lives somewhere around here. He takes ughing sessions on a meadow, whatever that means. I'll give them an ughing session!
I will see you soon, my darling. I miss you. I'll return to you as soon as I sort this thing out.

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