Marianna Lopatina's Log, June 19, 1018


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Marianna Lopatina's Log, June 19, 1018
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Marianna Lopatina's Log.
June 19, 1018
I think I'm onto something. An elf told me about a battle between goblins and the Free Traders' Mercenaries that took place recently. That was rough.
Louis also shared a couple of useful contacts. Someone's been hunting June artifacts. And that someone was spotted asking the mercenaries about any interesting recent findings. Perhaps, he was the one to hire goblins.
Well, anyway, those bastards wanted to break into Asee-Teph. The fight was furious! Rocks falling everywhere, arrows flying around, swords clinking. I wish I could see it!
Unfortunately, this means that those tablet will be very hard to find.

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