Keeper's Banner


  • Max stack size: 1
Keeper's Banner
This item binds when picked up
Guild Equipment
Item level: 3
Incoming damage: -6%
Incoming healing: +6%
for all guild members within 16 yards

Allows you to participate in group Dominion skirmishes.
Increases Prestige gain by 100%.
Increases Realgar gained in Dominion battles by 200%.
Increases your Vigor and Stamina by 0.04% for each guild level.
Starting from guild level 3, increases the amount of reputation you earn by 5% plus an extra 5% for every 5 guild levels.
Starting from guild level 4, extends the duration of all alchemical potions and elixirs by 10% plus an extra 10% for every 5 guild levels.
Banner Bearer Abilities:
1. Keeper’s Word: the banner bearer equalizes the health of their group members within 40 yards. If there is an enemy player nearby, the health of their group members will also be equalized.
2. Keeper’s Care: the banner bearer deactivates the passive bonus from the banner for 6 seconds, instead granting it to a selected guild member (increasing it sixfold).
3. Circle of Immortality: the banner bearer becomes immobile for 4 seconds. The guild members who take fatal damage within 8 yards of them in that time will instead be healed for 50% of their maximum health (but only once).

The passive bonus from the banner and banner bearer abilities work only when the banner is raised by the bearer. To raise the banner, use the ability of the same name.
A guild can have only one raised banner per location. When a bearer raises a banner, the previous banner raised by another banner bearer of your guild stops working.
Abilities of identical banners have a cooldown shared by the banner bearers in one location.

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