Sealed Vial of Condensed Water of Death


  • Max stack size: 1000
Sealed Vial of Condensed Water of Death
Required level: 4
Vial of Condensed Water of Death allows you to redistribute your talent points and Rubies at your class trainer’s as many times as you wish!
Sealed Vial of Condensed Water of Death can be traded between characters and sold at an auction before use, provided that it is not bound to you. The item will be bound to you if you unseal it.
Goods from the Boutique.
Consumed after use.
Amount: 1/1000
Sealed Vial of Condensed Water of Death
Required level: 4
Vial of Condensed Water of Death allows you to redistribute your talent points and Rubies at your class trainer’s as many times as you wish!
Sealed Vial of Condensed Water of Death can be traded between characters and sold at an auction before use, provided that it is not bound to you. The item will be bound to you if you unseal it.
Goods from the Boutique.
Consumed after use.
Amount: 1/1000

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