Urgent Letter


  • Max stack size: 10
Urgent Letter
This item binds when picked up
{username}, my dear friend!
It pains me to hear that you and Aidenus are at odds, and our Great Mage does not want to see you again. However, the matter that prompted me to write this letter is too important to take such quarrels into account.
The Goddess of Darkness Hirkalla who now rules our world closely watches everything we do - she will not allow anyone or anything to disrupt her control. And yet the world is falling apart, and I mean that in the most literal sense.
I suggest we meet. Since I am now constantly in Aidenus' Tower in Novograd, I think we will find each other here.
Please hurry.
So, {username}!
I know you and Yasker are at odds, but the matter is too important to be left unresolved.
This witch Hirkalla now holds us all in an iron fist, but while we are slaving for her, the world is falling apart. And I'm not joking. You'll see for yourself.
Anyway, we need to talk. I'm not leaving Yasker's Study, so we'll meet here.
Shurui come here before it's too late.
Amount: 1/10
This item starts the quest: Froddy's letter, Wrokag's Letter

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