Sacrament of Conclave


  • Max stack size: 1
Sacrament of Conclave
The owner of the Sacrament can perfect their self-preservation skills. Characters of level 80 and higher will gain 150 Stamina points for every Part of the Edict of Conclave.
Characters of level 20 to 80 will gain Stamina points for every Part of the Edict of Conclave, depending on their current level.
Rubies and other effects do not affect the bonus.
Abilities granted by this item are temporary. They will expire together with the item.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 182d.
Sacrament of Conclave
The owner of the Sacrament can perfect their self-preservation skills. Characters of level 80 and higher will gain 150 Stamina points for every Part of the Edict of Conclave.
Characters of level 20 to 80 will gain Stamina points for every Part of the Edict of Conclave, depending on their current level.
Rubies and other effects do not affect the bonus.
Abilities granted by this item are temporary. They will expire together with the item.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 182d.

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