Protective Signs


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Faction: /World/Factions/Pridens_League.(Faction).xdb
  • Level: 15
  • Required level: 13
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Can be completed instantly
  • Side Quest
  • Zone:



Use the magic wand to inscribe the protective signs, defeat the evil spirits, and return to Maas-Margesh in the Residence.


Do you know how to carve in stone? I'm so tired of carving these protective signs!
Tya of the killed tya-ah doesn't go to Yao Realm. Their tyalla remains in our world, filled with pain and hatred. It sprreads illnesses and curses, it spoils water and air, kills animals and brrings bad luck, seeking to take revenge on its murderers.
I need to inscribe the prrotective signs around the Residence to keep the evil out, but I can't do this alone. Will you help me? I need to drraw the signs everywhere I can. They will keep the souls out for some time. Then I will finish with carving them into the stones, and the mischief of tya-ah will never find a way into the Residence!


Stone favors those with a determined character, Enlightened.


Oh... My fingers are bleeding from carving. But now not a single evil spirit will find a way to the Residence! I couldn't have done it without you, kylys. Thank you!


Experience: +2500

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