True Form




Find and bring four creatures to the healing totem: a mutant toad, gulper, galactic deer and taksa.
  • Heal Mutant Toad
    (Use the lasso to catch an animal and lead it to the healing idol.)
  • Heal Sharp Toothed Gulper
    (Use the lasso to catch an animal and lead it to the healing idol.)
  • Heal Galactic Deer
    (Use the lasso to catch an animal and lead it to the healing idol.)
  • Heal Taksa
    (Use the lasso to catch an animal and lead it to the healing idol.)


No matter what, the Leper is strong. Many years will pass before this land is completely healed. Great labors stand before us. After all, we know how to help and turn back this cursed infection.
See the ring of totems over there? It contains all the power of the defenders of Umoir. It heals the land with its grace. It can also heal the mad children of the Leper. Come and help us, {username}!
Take a strong lasso, catch the animals, and bring them to the ring. Though they will resist you, remember you are only helping them. We can’t heal them all, but we can at least return some of them to their true nature.


Mother Earth loves all her creatures. Remember that.


Wonderful! Starting is the hardest part! Now look how cute they are.


Experience: +28800

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