Give me that!



Help the engineer fix the astral sloop by handing him the right tools.
  • Give me the twister!
  • Give me a nutter!
  • Give me the gouger!
  • Give me the turner!
  • Give me the banger!
  • Give me the pincher!
  • Give me the big pincher!
  • Watch the repairs


Can’t you see? I’m busy!
The boat’s engine failed. Now we can’t bring in our catch. Captain said if I don’t fix it by evening, he’ll screw off my head and hang it on the rudder!
If you don’t have anything to do, you can bring me the tools I need. Look alive! Or I’ll tell the captain it’s your fault the repairs are delayed.


Something is wrong!
Why is that? Because I don’t have a good apprentice! I have to do everything myself!
Here, I’ll fix it so we can get out fast, back to our Cuttlefish. If you need to, you can always land in the village...
That’s it, get out of here. Stop interrupting my work.
No, stop.
Take this core and get rid of it somewhere.


Experience: +43200

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