One for All



Meet Amis, Potis, and Atis in the alleyway near the pier.


Did you fail to catch that moth? I know! She's so skinny it's impossible to get a purchase!
Alright, whatever. I've been thinking, maybe, I should give acting a try. I could play the Princess's role, hehe. They will totally buy it, with my talent.
Oh, I've just remembered something. I stumbled upon someone while you were wandering in the city. Someone who? You know, chicks with rapiers... whatchamacallem... The Aviaks. They wanted to talk to you, and they looked like they meant business. All three of them. They came up to me in turns, and each wanted to meet you in some alleyway near the harbor.
Know what this is about? Make sure not to kill anyone. They're pretty tame. If you hurt them, their owners won't like it.
Go. I'll stay for now...


What's going on? Kuarrr! Stop it!


Experience: +46000

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