Healthy Body, Healthy Spirit



Follow the coach's directions to workout.
  • Prepare for the workout
    (Tell the coach that you're ready for the workout)
  • Workout 7/7
    (Follow the coach's directions to workout)


What's the most important thing for a hero?
Good health. There's a healthy mind in a healthy body.
We hate lazybones and long sleepers. A true pioneer gets up at first light and works out! A couple of very simple exercises set the mood for the day and make your blood flow!
Our pioneer camp is honored by a visit of Boris Liev, a true master and a seasoned athlete! Do you even know how many times he was a Dionic Games champion?
Find him at the sports ground and do the workout, will you?


Hurry, there's no time to waste.


How do you feel about workouts?
I play sports, I even have a couple of trophies. And I hit the gym and workout every morning!


Experience: +117600

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