War Veterans: Scouts



Congratulate 10 Scouts of the maximum level and return to Zabava Mayskaya.
  • Characters of the specified class congratulated 10/10
    (See the required class in the Quest Log.)


There are more veterans among us than it might seem. We have gone through so many bloody battles in the last century! But the League always comes out victorious, thanks to our strong faith and mighty heroes! As much as we believe in the Light and Tensess, we put our faith into the brave warriors and artful sorcerers that stand guard of our homeland! In these days we need to show them how much we appreciate them and their sacrifice in the name of the League.
There is nothing difficult in that. You just need to congratulate 10 veterans. Sincere words of gratitude will make anyone happy! The more veterans you will congratulate before the Parade starts, the better spot you will get.


Have you congratulated everyone yet?


Excellent, excellent! You will make the Parade even brighter. Don't forget to complete my requests every day! The more you accomplish, the better spot you will get at the Parade!



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