Field Meal



Use the brazier and other ingredients to cook meat.
  • Marinated Meat obtained
    (Available from Silantiy Vinegarov or from gifts.)
  • Firewood obtained
    (Available from Silantiy Vinegarov or from gifts.)
  • Spices obtained
    (Can be obtained from gifts that drop from killed monsters when the banner is raised.)
  • Sauce obtained
    (Can be obtained from gifts that drop from killed monsters when the banner is raised.)
  • Brazier installed
    (Available from Silantiy Vinegarov. It can be installed anywhere outside the capital.)
  • Cooking started
    (Come up to the brazier and use it.)
  • Spices added to meat
    (Use the spices as you cook your meat.)
  • Sauce added to meat
    (Use the sauce as you cook your meat.)
  • Meat roasted
    (Keep roasting the meat, using sauce and spice, until Roasted effect reaches 9, 10 or 11 stacks.)
  • Meat eaten or shared with someone


Now that all our enemies are taught a good lesson, it's high time to regain energies and have a good meal. Whatever the fruitarians might say, I'm sure meat is the best food for a warrior! No man can survive without meat, and not a single lady may stand the smell of freshly roasted lamb rib. Is your mouth watering already? Good!
Open your gifts to find spice and sauce for your barbecue. You may also buy some ingredients from Silantiy Vinegarov right here. If your mastery in cooking equals your mastery in combat, your dish will be delicious! And if it won't, don't be upset. I'm sure it'll still be edible.
As soon as the dish is ready, eat it while it's hot. Or invite a friend to your table! After you've finished, come back to me.


The smell of barbecue is so delicious, I'm afraid it will lure hungry beasts from the Astral!


How was it? Was it awesome? I knew it! Here's your gift.



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