Fruits of the Great Tree




Help Caraway collect the fruits of the Great Tree and deal with Chamomile's problem.


It used to be easier to take care of fruits. Now... the animals are more aggressive, and you, invaders, are not making our lives any easier. I hope we manage to keep all the new Children.
We need all the help we can get, and we'd like to get things done faster. If the All-Mother trusts you, then so do I.
I'll ask a favor of you - Caraway is in charge of collecting fruits east of the Great Tree, but he still hasn't returned. Find him and provide help if he needs it.


Well, what are you waiting for?


Excellent. I guess you can be trusted. Each fruit is precious, because no one knows who will become a new Great Tree.
We believe that our Sparks, and the Sparks of everyone who got to Eden, are reborn in new Children, but only our Creator knows whether this is true.


Experience: +107000

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