The Tree's Advice



Speak to Silvio in Spider Thicket.


It would be foolish of us to refuse help at this difficult time. The Elves have always shunned nature magic, believing it to be insufficiently elegant. However, even those who did not accept the sacrifice of Tensess must have many useful secrets, or Tensess would not have blessed everyone with his gift.

There is one such creature that lives in the grove to the northeast of here. His name is Silvio and he is a wise old treant. Maybe he knows of a better weapon to fight the vampires with? In any case, you should seek his advice immediately. Hopefully he can help us in these dark times.


Oh, I thought you were another one of those creatures from the darkness. A couple of them showed up here earlier, but I was too strong for them!

It looks like the Elves really are in trouble if they're seeking the wisdom of an old, overgrown tree! The question is, should I help them?


Experience: +1860
  • +100 reputation points with Elves

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