The Bear Totem



Collect 10 Bear Heads, tie them together with the Reinforced Rope, and place it in the goblins' camp. Return to Denis Molotov when you are done.


You're probably aware by now that the goblins have captured our salt mine. They haven't set any demands as yet, but I have no intention of negotiating with them anyway. We've got to nail them to the wall so they know who the boss is around here.

They worship bears, so here's what I'm thinking - you kill ten bears, chop off their heads, and string them up on a rope. Then you place the heads on the totem pole in the goblins' camp. Let them enjoy the view!

Almost all of them are at the salt lake now, so it shouldn't be very difficult to get into their camp. Their village is in Southern Riverside, across from the lake and the bears are in the woods northwest from here.


How's it going with the bears? Stop dragging your feet, the goblins must be taught a lesson!


There was a Bear Tribe Orc in the camp? And a shaman to boot! What could he be doing there, I wonder? Could he have come for the salt? Never mind, that doesn't matter now. It's a good thing that he's dead.

We tried trading with the goblins and Orcs recently, but nothing came of it. It's easier to trade with the squirrels in the woods than with those primitives! Here's a small present for your excellent service. Thank you.


Experience: +1650

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