The Dangers of Siveria



Kill 10 Snowy Tigers, 10 Taiga Tigers, and Nevian and report back to the Cautious Family.


To be honest, I wasn't expecting you to fight off the undead with such ease. Many have tried to set their stakes out over there to no avail!

But I'd like to ask another favor from you now. We're being pestered by tigers - there are too many of them here and they're starting to get bold! They've started attacking people and even us poor Gibberlings! And this is a disease - once an animal tastes our delicious blood, there is no stopping him! We're just too tasty!

We're too afraid to set foot on the other side of the river so you'll have to help us handle them! Kill twenty of them, but most importantly, kill their leader, Nevian. He was the first of the tigers to taste human blood and so he deserves to die first!


We'll be telling stories about you to our grandchildren!


The monster is dead? Your fearlessness is worthy of a ballad. Unfortunately, I am not much of a poet, and I don't have time for such silly nonsense.


Experience: +1725

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