The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions



Destroy 9 Inferno Elementals and report to Dubi the Dirty.


The people here have no manners! They trample the grass, sing outrageous songs at all hours of the night, and throw trash straight onto the ground. I dream of the day they all walk along the paths in disciplined lines, singing official songs and throwing their trash into the bins.

But that's not the biggest of my worries right now. The city authorities decided to send us some domesticated fire elementals to help get rid of the trash. Some help! You know what they say about the road to hell...

In just three days, these elementals managed to incinerate three benches and two mobile toilets along with the trash they were supposed to be burning. Today they even started burning the trees down... this park will be a desert before too long. Help the city and destroy those damn monsters!


And to think we were trying to compete for the title of Park of the Year! After this elemental affair we've got no chance.


Thank you! Now we can start rebuilding the park. Feel free to choose one of these items as your reward. I can also give you this certificate officially recognizing your deeds.


Experience: +800

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