New Activities in the Tropics



Visit Jack, Meet Shlep the Slapper, Gik the Winged, Gugu the Serene, and participate in the Tropical Lottery.


I'm so glad to see you here! I have so many news - I'm telling everyone, so you're next!
First! We have... the Aviaks here! They settled at the northern edge of the bay. They are going to breed riding parrots here, can you believe that? If only our Great Turtle saw that!
One of them, Gik the Winged, organized a sailing competition here. If you want to learn to catch the wind and sail, Gik will explain everything.
Second, there's a volleyball court on the atoll now. Shlep the Slapper and Hugi the Swift are teaching people to play ball. This one, yes. It's fun, so bring your friends!
Our Gugu the Serene has also mastered the art of pebble balancing, so now he invites everyone to build pebble towers. The waves brought plenty of pebbles ashore this year - of all colors. Some clever guy says you can build pebble towers all summer without ever making two exactly alike. Look around you, those towers are everywhere now!
And you'll have to see certain changes to some of the old attractions with your own eyes.
We also have new seashells this year! The old ones are completely faded now, so we caught a few new ones. Go visit Jack Cheap, see what he has in stock. You can spend your old seashells there, too, so if you have some left over from last year, you'll get some use out of them.
Oh, I almost forgot! The lottery ticket I gave you! Play the Tropical Lottery near one of the machines - you might win something useful or get a reward for visiting an attraction.
Run along now! Don't forget to come by afterwards to pick up your gift.


The Aviaks came to visit us! They are strange.


So how do you like our new entertainment? That's not all of it!
Here are your new seashells.


Experience: +300

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