Lost Books



Find 9 Elven Books for Augustin de Desirae.


I have seen much but rarely have I wept. Even the Great Cataclysm did not wound me as deeply as the destruction of the House de Desiraes' library!

So many unique books, priceless documents, and brilliant paintings were destroyed! I watched as dark creatures tore Pascal's Revelations to shreds and gargoyles defiled the gorgeous marble face of Nain's statue!

I was powerless to stop them! I was running around the library, mad with grief, trying to save a fraction of the wisdom and beauty entrusted to me for safekeeping. Oh great Astral, save me from suffering that again!

I was able to save something, however. The owls, my loyal servants, also saved a few things. The clever creatures grabbed books and documents and flew out of the windows!

Unfortunately, not all my owls returned to Summer Manor. Many of them may have been killed by the twilight creatures . The scouts have found Elven masterpieces scattered around the allod, all covered in owl blood.

I beg you, find the remaining books in the forest. I believe there are nine owls unaccounted for, each of which took one masterpiece with them. My heart tells me that the books are lying in the grass of nearby forests.


Oh, what times we live in! Things that took centuries to create have been turned into dust in seconds!


I don't know how to thank you. These books are only a small part of our great collection, but it's better to save a fragment than to lose everything! Please let me be right now, I must care for these books and mourn my loyal friends, the wise owls...


Experience: +1860
  • +250 reputation points with Elves

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