The Prisoner of the Demons



Escort Guillaume de Desirae to Summer Manor and speak with Geoffroi de Desirae.


I'd almost given up hope of getting out of here alive. That Xadaganian bastard is a master of torture. I didn't even know I could take that much pain.

After darkness fell, we sent a wave of magical energy into the Astral in an attempt to dispel the darkness. The demons must have found out where the epicenter was and came to investigate. They sent their cultist lackey to interrogate me, but I had nothing to tell them...

Please, you've got to help me get out of here! I've taken some pretty grave wounds and I need to get back to town. If we make it to safety, please tell Geoffroi de Desirae about the demon invasion as soon as possible.


Hm, we're losing more scouts. I'm starting to get worried.


You saved Guillaume?! He's been missing since the darkness fell. The House de Desirae is forever in your debt. ...You say he was attacked by Astral demons? That's disturbing news indeed. I'll inform my superiors that their attacks have increased. Thank you.


Experience: +2400
  • +250 reputation points with Elves

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