On the Other Side of Darkness



Go to the Western Border, drink the Werewolf Potion, kill 5 Twilight Vampires, and return to Romain de Ardeur.


Each of us must fight in his own way against the darkness that blankets Tenebra. And I want to contribute to this fight. There are creatures that exist in this world whose primal fury and ability to track down and stalk the victim can help us fight the creatures of the darkness. I'm talking about werewolves.

I was once very fond of alchemy, so I've used my vast knowledge to create this potion that will turn you into a werewolf. It is in this form that you'll be able to move between worlds.

You must go to the twilight, where the darkness has settled, and fight the vampires that have made it their home. I beg of you, kill five Twilight vampires at the Western Border.

Drink this potion as soon as you arrive at the Border.


Vampires are dangerous creatures. May Tensess be with you!


I'm glad that was not mistaken in my choice of weapons. If you'd like a rematch with the vampires, let me know.


Experience: +320
  • +500 reputation points with Elves

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