Plu the Tightwad's Confession



Speak with the Peppy Family in the Eljune Bazaar.


I've got some news for you. The Peppy Family is looking for you. It has something to do with an auction... They asked me to tell you that they need you right away.

You better get off your ass and go speak with them. It could be important.


Ah, there you are! Profka and his mercenaries teamed up with us and together we nailed Plu the Tightwad to the wall - the wall of his warehouse where he kept the holy weapons hidden.

It turns out the holy weapons were imbued with magical artifacts that the goblins were collecting at Coba Plateau. They kept this secret from everyone and were this close to making the deal of the century. And then something happened that no one could have expected... The artifacts lost all their powers!

But that's not all, the artifacts started gaining new powers, powers that were aligned with darkness!

The ex-holy cloaks now strangle their wearers while the blades inflict wounds on their masters. The powers from the dark artifacts are growing every day along with their demand. All sorts of adventure seekers, including pirates and deserters, are flooding the Plateau.

This allod is in a state of havoc, and the world has gone completely nuts! Everyone is after easy pickings and too few care about the fact that the Light is forsaking the allod and darkness is taking its place...


Experience: +8200

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