Gifts of Nature: Fruits of the Great Tree



Help Caraway collect the fruits of the Great Tree at the Blossoming Riverbed


Greetings. May my Blessing be with you!
My Children's lives used to be simple, but now... we're facing a lot of problems, and I want to ask you for help.
I'm talking about collecting the fruits of the Great Tree. I've been told that you have helped our fruit pickers and keepers, so I will ask you to do it again today.
Caraway is in charge of picking fruit, you can find him to the east from the Great Tree. Find him and provide help if he needs it.


You need to collect the fruits as quickly as possible!


Thank you for your help. I see Waterlily was right to vouch for you. I'll have another task for you tomorrow, be sure to come back and talk to me.



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