Cleansing the Kingdom: Primal Toads



Kill 12 Primal Toads and return to the Leafy Family.


I assume that you're here to gather berries, spring water, and other ingredients. Am I right? While that's good, you should also do something to help out all of the League wardens while you're here! Imagine what the benefits would be if all of the Orcish shamans were driven from the Kingdom. And I think I have a plan to help us do this.

You see, the Orcs come here for the same reasons we do - to gather reagents for potions. If we could prevent them from doing this, they might stop coming! And even if they don't, without those potions they'll be much weaker. Then we can beat them up really easily.

Let's start off with the toads. They live all over the Shadowy Mire and the Orcs use their mucus to make Refreshing Potions. If there's no toads, there's no slime, so go in there and start killing the beasts!


We will always remember how the Orcs started attacking Gibberling settlements hundreds of years ago. They will never be forgiven!


Good, good. The fewer the toads, the weaker the shamans will be and huntmasters.


Experience: +3000

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